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Trichological treatments

Here at Millennium hair loss clinic we provide a wide range of Trichological treatments. This is a simple, pain free non-invasive analysis of the scalp. In doing this we can then identify any problem areas and any issues that will need treatment to benefit the health of your hair.

Depending on your results our specialists, using what is regarded as the most comprehensive study of hair damage and loss, will then hand select a treatment plan based on your personal needs, hair condition and hair structure.  A healthy scalp is one of the number one ways to ensure healthy hair, we use these technologies to fight persistent dandruff and scalp related issues to provide an itch free and purified scalp. This will also help with strengthening the miniaturized hair and damaged follicles while also reversing damaged caused by heavy chemicals previously used. We also use our own tech based products in addition to these treatments. These products are specially made with exclusive ingredients, formulated by renowned researchers, to fight the root causes of hair thinning.

We can identify hair thinning as losing 30% - 40% of hair monthly without regrowth, our products combat that by increasing blood stimulation and nutritional flow in the hair whilst also stabilising the hair to decrease balding and thinning hair. All products and treatments are always specifically tailored to each client’s individual needs. These treatments include applying scalp masks to stimulate the scalp and to combat flaking scalp. We then apply our specially formulated hair strengthening and follicular regeneration lotions. After that we use hair steamers to increase activity and to provide deep saturation which deeply moisturises the hair and restores elasticity. We also use a combination of other treatments including laser therapy and massage treatments to give the best possible results.

There are many different types of hair conditions that affect both men and women, understanding your hairs condition is the first step in correcting any damaging and starting your journey to better, stronger and healthier hair. Many conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • Telogen effluvium: This is when the hair prematurely enters the telogen stage of the hair growth cycle, which is the last stage before shedding the hair. This can cause hair thinning and excessive shedding and can be due to many factors including stress, bad diet, chronic illnesses and medications. However this isn’t permanent and with proper management can be restored to its original state and lustre.
  • Anagen effluvium: This is identified as hair loss during the growth stage of the hair growth cycle. This is mainly caused by damage sustained by the hair follicle, usually related to treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy along with chronical medical conditions, malnutrition, medications and nutrient deficiencies. In the majority of cases this is reversed once the root cause has been eliminated.
  • Alopecia areata: This condition is characterised as an auto immune inflammatory disorder which causes hair loss in patches on the clients scalp. These are usually oval or round shaped completely bald patches and can be found on the scalp, eyebrows, lashes and beard. In the most severe cases it can cause complete baldness of the scalp. With research consistently ongoing in this field it has been proven to be linked to stress. Once triggered the condition then starts to damage the hair follicles and can completely disrupt the hair growth cycle as the immune system loses the ability to identify between the “self” and “non self” tissues.
  • Traction alopecia: This is caused by excessive stress being put on the hair and follicles usually due to overuse of chemical based styling products, overheating, drying, incorrect brushing and tight and prolonged hair styles. This condition usually leads to thinning of the hair at the temporal and frontal regions of the scalp but can be easily rectified by improving the products used aswel as the styling and grooming practices being used by the individual.
  • Trichotillomania: This condition is self-inflicted hair loss. This is usually caused by excessive hair twisting and pulling in a particular area. This can be a comforting practice for many patients suffering from this condition but it can also have lasting effects of the hair growth in that area. To help improve this condition the client must firstly see a specialist as this condition can have both psychological and physical implications to their health.
  • Gender based patterned hair loss: This hair loss condition is usually genetic and can be identified by the thinning or loss of hair mainly at the frontal and crown areas of the scalp.
  • Stress related hair loss/thinning: Any major stressors in life can put a significant amount of pressure on the body. When this happened all our nutrients are pulled into our most important organs in a fight or flight response. Prolonged exposure to stress and this response can have significant impact on your hairs health. If the hair follicles are prevented from nutrient dense blood flow for a prolonged period of time this can cause the hair follicle to become damaged and may become dormant. Identifying the underlying stressor is the best first step to helping with this condition.
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